The currency converter is to allow users to input an amount in one currency and convert it into another currency based on current exchange rates.
- User Input:
- Amount: The user enters the amount they wish to convert in a numeric input field.
- From Currency: A dropdown list allows the user to select the source currency (the currency the user is converting from).
- To Currency: A second dropdown list allows the user to select the destination currency (the currency the user is converting to).
- Currency Options:
- The currency options in both dropdowns will dynamically populate when the page loads. The available currencies are typically listed by their ISO 4217 currency codes (e.g., USD, EUR, GBP).
- Conversion Button:
- Convert Button: A button labeled “Convert” triggers the conversion process when clicked. Upon conversion, the result is displayed in a dedicated section below the form.
- Result Display:
- After the conversion, the result is shown in a section titled Converted Amount. The converted amount is displayed with the appropriate formatting (rounded to two decimal places).
- Responsive Design:
- The page is designed to be responsive, adjusting for different screen sizes, and is mobile-friendly. The layout uses flexbox for centering and adjusting content size.
- Form Design:
- Labels are used for each input field, and both input and select fields have consistent styling (e.g., border radius, padding).
- Fields are designed with a clean, modern style, ensuring ease of use and clear distinctions between each field.
- The button is styled to stand out with a green background, and there are hover and active effects to provide feedback to the user.
- Currency Dropdown (Select2 Library):
- The dropdowns for selecting currencies use the Select2 jQuery plugin, which provides an enhanced UI with features like searchability, better styling, and custom dropdown behavior.
- Form Validation:
- The currency converter checks whether a valid amount has been entered before attempting the conversion.
- If the user doesn’t enter a valid amount or leaves any field blank, they will be prompted with an alert to provide the necessary input.
- Visual Design:
- The overall visual style uses soft colors (light gray background, white container, and green for buttons) for a pleasant and intuitive user experience.
- The result section is shown in a separate box with a light green background and displays the converted amount prominently.
- Loading Currency Options:
- Upon page load, the application fetches a list of available currencies and populates the dropdowns with these options. This list is automatically generated and displayed for user selection.
- Responsive Layout:
- The layout adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring usability across devices such as phones, tablets, and desktops.
How to Use:
- Enter Amount: Type the amount you want to convert into the input field labeled “Amount.”
- Select From Currency: Use the dropdown list to choose the currency you’re converting from (e.g., USD).
- Select To Currency: Use the second dropdown to choose the currency you’re converting to (e.g., EUR).
- Convert: Click the “Convert” button to initiate the conversion.
- View Result: After conversion, the equivalent amount in the “To Currency” will be displayed below the form.